Monday, February 27, 2006

Obsession Or Distraction: Rove Has A Roving Eye

Sen. Clinton Says Rove Obsesses About Her

Judging from the number of jokes about Hilary Clinton on a daily basis, Rove is not the only ultra-conservative Republican that shares this obsession. But I cannot figure out why she is getting all their attention. Surely the Democrats cannot be thinking about her as a viable candidate. In my view she has far too much baggage... and I am not just talking about "Bubba."

ALBANY, N.Y. Feb 27, 2006 (AP)— Reacting to a new book quoting Karl Rove as saying she will be the 2008 Democratic nominee for president, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that President Bush's chief political strategist "spends a lot of time obsessing about me."

The former first lady also said she believed Rove, national GOP Chairman Ken Mehlman and other Republicans are using her to divert attention from Republican problems as the 2006 congressional elections approach.

Any port in a storm... Ooops, I brought up the "P" word. No one wants to have us focus on the scandals, mistakes and incompetencies that the GOP has brought us under the leadership of Dubya and his White House Gang, Hastert, Frist and a whole slew of folks that may soon be appearing in court.

"Karl Rove is a brilliant strategist. So, if I were thinking about this," she told WROW-AM radio in Albany, "I'd say, why are they spending so much time talking about me?"

Now, see I would not have been so nice. I would have called Karl Rove a manipulative oportunistic SOB that knows how to mislead, distract and unfocus an entire nation while his bosses violate the Constitution and disregard inherent rights. But that's another reason why we cannot give our attention to Hilary... she won't call them the way she sees them. She prefers to follow the lead of politicians and spin, spin, spin, lie, spin, spin, mislead, spin, spin, distract, spin, spin and spin again.

"What they're hoping is that all of their missteps, which are now numbering in the hundreds, are going to somehow be overlooked because people, instead of focusing on the '06 election, will jump ahead and think about the next one," said Clinton, D-N.Y.

"Yes, and all Bill did was get his rocks off in the Oval Office." Well, at least that was with an adult that was willing to get on her knees to do the deeds... but I still can't figure out why she kept the stain on the dress.

Say what you want about old Bubba, but he didn't lead us into an illegal invasion, didn't spy on US citizens, and, as we found out via the White Water investigation, didn't take any money. So, Bubba was a cheat (at least in terms of his marriage vows) and a liar ("I did not have sexual relations with that woman."). In that regard, he could have done better... but how many of our well-established politicians are also cheats and liars? Kennedy, Biden, Kerry, Hatch, Delay, Cunningham, DeWine???? Are they in that special category? If we cast out all of the liars and cheats occupying high office in DC we might grind the wheels of government to a halt... Wait... Would that be so bad?

In the new book out Monday from Regnery Publishing, "Strategery" by Bill Sammon, Rove is quoted as saying: "Anybody who thinks that she's not going to be the candidate is kidding themselves."

I am not kidding about this... If Hilary Clinton is the Democratic candidate, we are going to see another Republican in office for 2009-2012. If she decides to run in the primaries she is going to screw the pooch for the Democrats. The focus will be on Hilary rather than electing someone with the leadership and charisma we need to take us away from the ultra-conservative hogwash and restore sanity to our domestic, foreign and national security policies.

Rove is also quoted as says he thinks Clinton could have difficulty in the general election, in part, because there is a "brittleness about her."

Is that a polite way of calling her the "B" word? What politician doesn't have some "brittleness" about them. Rove is a walking rectum... and a dirty one at that... and he works for a hypocritical liar of exponential proportions who should be impeached for the dishonorable things he has done to our troops, never mind the spying. But gee whiz Mr. Rove, Hilary has never called you names in public.

But, Karl, me bucko, why are you so obsessesed with what Hilary might do?


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