Monday, March 27, 2006

9-11 Loose Change (2nd Edition) - A Disturbing Look At A Possible Conspiracy

9-11 Loose Change (2nd Edition) With Extra Footage By Phil Jayhan & Korey Rowe [1 hr 21 min 50 sec] - Feb 5, 2005

I never had the chance to review the first edition of <911 Loose Change, but a friend and martial artist colleague of mine sent me a link to the Second Edition. Now, I have viewed the antics, tactics, and actions of the Bush administration with disdain, even to the point of calling Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al, criminals for the failure to provide our troops with proper body and vehicle armor, for violation of their oaths of office, and violation of the Constitution and its Amendments. However, I have never been a fan of conspiracy theories or theorists, but have connected enough dots to see that the actions of the Bush administration are either complete and utter incompetence or an actual conspiracy... with the preponderance of evidence pointing to the conspiracy.

But watching this almost two hours of video that compiles piece after piece of evidence--albeit small pieces at a time and a lot of it not overtly connectable at a superficial level--that points to an inside political conspiracy that has as its goal a complete overhaul of the American government via a radical restructuring of our security, military and political forces and bodies, using a catastrophic "new Peral Harbor" event as the impetus for doing so.

I have to admit, when I first watched the video I was astonished. It was a bit too disconcerting to be believable. But I watched it again and began, as the producers of the video urge the viewers to do, doing a web search of some of the events, documents and statements made and put forth in the film. Nine out of nine "chunks" of information presented in the video were confirmed within only an hour of web surfing and searching. Some additional time spent surfing for other information made it 12 out of 12. It appears that the pattern of confirmation will continue upon my resuming the verification and affirmation of the information pieced together by Jayhan and Rowe.

Historically, the US government has pulled a number of shenanigans that have gotten us into wars and conflicts. Our involvement in the annexation of Texas was a series of back room deals with various elements of the Tex-Mex war that rang out, "Remember the Alamo."

The sinking of the USS Maine was an impetus to get us into war with Spain. Initial news reports were that the ship was sunk as a result of sabotage while anchored off of Cuba. It turned out that the ship sunk due to internal problems with its steam engine infrastructure and that US military and government officials may have had that information but did NOTHING to correct the story being printed in almost every newspaper in the nation.

Our entry into WWI was also somewhat cloaked in suspicous elements. There are folks that suggest the Zimmerman Note did not really originate in Germany, but was a subterfuge to force the hand of President Wilson into committing US forces to protecting shipping lanes with the aim of creating another incident (or a series of incidents) that would rile up emotions and stir the hawks in the United States political structures. The threat of unrestricted use of submarines to sink neutral as well as aligned non-combatant and combatant shipping brought the issue to a head... and US troops to the Western Front.

Historical evidence has put into question the competence or the conspiracy of political and military leaders in regard to Pearl Harbor. Some evidence points to the distinct possibility that the entire attack could have been thwarted if information and intelligence was ahndled properly and communicated effectively. Some historians also point to a pattern of the powers-that-were deliberately withholding information and intelligence that could have placed the majority of the fleet and military forces at Pearl Harbor out of the range of the attackig n planes and aircraft carriers.

There are some historians that claim the invasion of South Korea by the North was partly orhestrated by actions of the United States under the direction of Secretary of State Dean Acheson, and that the entire conflict could have been avoided via some overt diplomacy that was essentially omitted by Acheson and the Truman administration. There are also scholars that claim the manipulation occurred under the direction of General MacArthur and other high-ranking military generals that saw an opportunity to conduct a "proxy war" with the Soviets and Communist Chinese.

But Vietnam brings us to what many people consider the manipulation of the Gulf of Tonkin. President Kennedy was against any military intervention in "French Indochina" which had become Vietnam by that time. Kennedy supported sending military advisors, but drew a line in terms of sending troops in force, or troops with authority to engage in combat. However, the alleged events in the Gulf of Tonkin where two "gun boats" attacked US naval ships were used as rational for entering the war with actual combat forces. There are numerous reports as to how the events in the Gulf were deliberately misreported to agitate Lyndon Johnson into a policy of intervention. The fact that the "patrol boats" that attacked the USS Maddox were not really a threat and only inflicted minor damage (certainly far less than the damage inflicted on the USS Cole) should have called for a proportional response. However, a second attack involving the USS Maddox and the USS C. Turner Joy was reported, was blown out of proportion--an attack that never took place--and used to justify the escalation of US involvement and landing of combat troops.

We have seen the propensity for the US government to mislead, misrepresent, misconstrue and exaggerate information related to military action. We have seen numerous failed covert military and "cold war" operations (i.e. Bay of Pigs Invasion, Rescue Mission for Hostages in Iran, Iran-Contra Affair, Invasion of Irag, etc.)

So, when I looked at the 9-11 Loose Change video I wanted to disbelieve and dismiss the entire thing as conjecture and loose associations... But my preliminary research into verifying the information provided by its producers, combined with information acquired through watching PBS Frontline, PBS Nova and various programs from the Discovery Channel, points to the legitimate question of conspiracy surrounding the events of 9-11.

So serious are the indicators of a conspiracy in these events that everyone of us need to call for congressional and independent investigations... and if evidence is substantiated, everyone involved (even remotely) should be impeached/terminated and imprisoned. Let us check these facts and check the authenticity of the claims. After all, it would not be the first time that Bush and his gang have lied to us.


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