Thursday, March 02, 2006

Edward Copeland's Institute of Lower Learning - 03-02-06

Edward Copeland's Institute of Lower Learning

Thou shalt not bear false witness - Ninth Commandment

Lies, incompetence, corruption -- will the Bush Administration ever reach their limit on either. For such a good "Christian" he sure bears a helluva lot of false witnessing -- or his surrogates do it for him. My favorite lie (because it was a harmless one) was when Dubya had a bike accident at his Crawford ranch a couple of years ago and his aides blamed loose soil caused by rain -- when weather reports indicated that Crawford hadn's seen any substantial rainfall in months.

Today their misdeeds include letting mine safety lapse, allowing the Taliban to regain strength, lying about what they anticipated from Hurricane Katrina, eavesdropping on calls between lawyers and their clients, etc. To me the funniest thing is how the White House always sells two types of spin about Dubya. Their first story (which they floated again on the Dubai Ports Deal and the Cheney hunting accident) that Dubya was out of the loop. Now, with the tape and transcripts of pre-Katrina preparations out there, they say it proves he was fully engaged. So -- then why did he lie about what he knew and when he knew it? The answer is quite simple -- playing the idiot card is their best defense against their own incompetence. The tape shows that Dubya DID know what could happen and he and his minions simply fell down on the job in preparing for the cataclysm that was about to hit the Gulf Coast. I don't suppose there is anyway we can put Dubya on the no-fly list so he can't come back to the country when his overseas jaunt is over, is there?

Now the index:

New old lies: Murray Waas has uncovered documents proving that Dubya and Cheney were aware of internal disagreements over the accuracy of pre-Iraq war intelligence.

Katrina: I posted the early version of this story yesterday, but it bears repeating now that the recriminations and spin are going and there is a link to the video.

NSA lawsuit: Another story that we had yesterday, but the details from the filing are more interesting: allegations that the eavesdropping violated attorney-client privilege.

Switching gameplan: The Bush Administration decides to review other pending deals involving foreign takeovers of American businesses, including another UAE deal and one from Israel. It's not convincing a lot of members of Congress from still working to stop the ports deal.

Taliban: The New York Times has a report on how the deposed Afghanistan thugs are regrouping and findind success in campaigns in Afghanistan.

Mine safety: A new report shows that the Bush Administration lowered safety requirements and didn't enforce fines for violations against mine operators.

Texas redistricting: The Supreme Court justices don't seem inclined to overturning DeLay's gerrymandering.

Speaking of DeLay: Prosecutors want records from the travel agency that arranged a trip for The Hammer, his wife and Jack Abramoff.

Iraq: Political parties plot to stop the Shiites' choice for prime minister from leading the new government.

Lobbying reform: The Senate takes another stab at it while the House still flounders about.

Another GOP split: New fissures erupt over immigration reform proposals.

No deal: Iran and Russia hit impasse on uranium enrichment over Iran's insistence that it enrich some on its own land.


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