Saturday, July 29, 2006

Comments On Misinformation/Disinformation At Pregnancy Centers

I received a couple of comments regarding my post on misinformation/disinformation being given out by pregnancy centers that I thought deserved my attention rather than just publishing them... so here goes:

From an ANONYMOUS commmenter:
--Unfortunately, we are suckers, just like P.T. Barnum told us we were. We don't check things out for ourselves, but we accept the word of the "experts" that are paid to lie to us. (quoted from my post)

It's incredibly interesting that you say this considering that American mainstream medical statements regarding the risks of abortion are at odds with the large majority of studies that have come out of other nations that do not have federally funded abortion clinics (Planned Parenthood received $272 million from the U.S. government last year alone).

There are no legitimate, comprehesive or scientifically sound evidence from any study ANYWHERE in the world that demonstrates a statistically significant relationship or corrleation between having an abortion and increased risk of breast cancer, infertility or deep psychological trauma. While there are anecdotal reports and descriptions of depression after an abortion, the best evidence suggests these occurrences are related to the hormonal imbalance that occurs after the fetus is removed from the uterus, similar to what is called "post-partum hormonal depression" (aka "baby birth blues") that usually clears within a week or two. There are also cases where the deeper, more profound hormonal imbalance occurs and true depression sets in, but the rate for such occurrences is statistically less than that experienced by women that carry the fetus through late stages of pregnancy and give birth. Most of the reports of "deep psychological trauma" are reported by unsound surveys (or should I say "polls") that are not medical evidence and come from those that have an anti-abortion agenda that borders on the fanantical.

As for infertility, there is more risk of infertility from those that contract an STD, especially gonnorhea, syphillis and clamydia, or develop PID (pelvic inflammatory disease). The evidence published in the New England Journal Of Medicine, JAMA and Lancet, including evidence from European countries, indicates NO MARKED INCREASE RISK of infertility among those that had an abortion that was conducted in a safe, sterile and established manner. There is evidence of infertility resulting from post-surgical infection. But reputable medical centers conducting abortion procedures in full compliance with established techniques and protocols, including stringent cleaning and aseptic technique, present a risk, but not a significant risk. The risk is similar to that of developing an infection after any type of surgery. But it is NOT an increased risk and should not be reported or understood as such. By the way, those of us in the know have asked congress and state legislators to pass regulations that require all facilities and practitioners that conduct surgery or treat infection disease to publicly report their rates of facility-acquired infections (aka nosocomial infections) not only by facility, but also by procedure and by practitioner... That would be useful information regarding which surgeon or doctor one would choose to conduct a procedure. Guess who resists this idea the most? Congress!

As for breast cancer, once again there is no study--anywhere--that can demonstrate a statistically significant relationship between abortions and breast cancer. While such links and correlations do exist for those that undergo partial or full hysterectomy, the rates of breast cancer for women who have had an abortion are reported as being close to the same rate as that for all women in an industrial society. Given all of the crap that we put into our water, air and soils, it would be hard to identify whether it was the abortion or the environment was the causal link to any incident of breast cancer. Breast cancer is a big enough threat to our women. There is a relationship between breast cancer and oral contraceptives, smoking and STDs, but no established relationship between abortion and breast cancer. We need not create misinformation of disinformation to make the threat larger than it is...

Whose interest does it really serve to lie to women and hide the real risks associated with abortion. This brings me back to the days when big tobacco was still trying to cover up the risks of smoking cigarettes until finally the science was so overwhelming that they were forced to put those little labels on the boxes.

Well, that is an interesting question. Since the lying is being done to prevent abortions, it only serves the ultra-conservatives and their Christian Right voting base that insist on pushing a religious agenda and ideology down everyone's throats. I argue that abortion is indeed an immoral act and refuse to participate in it. I applaud hospitals that refuse to conduct abortions as a matter of principle. However, I will not support lies, misinformation and disinformation as a means of defeating abortion in our society. Two wrongs have never made a right.

Pregnancy Centers are doing just that. Bringing the science front and center. They want to debate facts, but instead they get attacked
THERE IS NO SCIENCE THAT SUPPORTS THESE VIEWS. No sound evidence exists. Trust me, I have looked at the science for over 20 years. I have worked with one of the foremost authorities on the biology of abortion in investigating the evidence as to what a woman and a fetus experience during and after an abortion. If we want to fight abortion, we have to stand taller than this approach. Instead of corrupting ourselves, we should be taking a stand for better pre-natal care, more legitimate ways of helping pregnant women with their needs, better sex education that serves to help prevent unwanted pregnancies (and transmission of diseases), and more effective foster care and adoption options.

The abortion industry is trying to silence them by discrediting them, just like big tobacco did to all those fringe groups.

These reports are not coming from the abortion industry. They came from our own congress, which is loaded down with anti-abortion activists possessing a clear and present ultra-conservative and Christian Right ideological bias. The federal government reviews the studies of such things via the CDC.

But eventually the studies from Japan, New Zealand, England, and others will become readily available and Americans will finally realize that abortionists weren't doing them any favors, rather that they were knowingly putting their health at risk for ($300-$1500 per abortion- and that's only what the client pays considering that most state governments subsidize the procedure).

There are no comprehensive, fully disclosed or sound studies from anywhere in the world that conclusively, medically or scientifically establishes a higher rate of depression, cancer or infertility from abortion itself. Any reports that claim such have not been validated by repeat studies, longitudinal studies or collaborative findings. As such, they are not sound. Science is not only based on the concept of observation, but also control.

We are so intent on pidgeon-holing political agendas that we can't see what is really happening here!

If the pidgeon hole fits, then we must admit... that there is a religio-political agenda and ideology that is so pervasive that it is willing to ignore its own tenets of religion and principle to defeat the existence of abortion. Anti-abortionists have killed in the name of their cause, becoming terrorists for God. Terry Randall's group and others are terrorists when they advocate bombings of clinics, accosting clinic patrons, shooting doctors and interfering with a person's free will and conscience. These folks are wrong-headed in their zeal as is any other zealot in history. Christ warned us not to go down that path. God gave us this lesson of free will and conscience in Genesis. Figure it out folks.

Another (?) ANONYMOUS commenter left the folowing:

Unfortunately, none of the Congressional reports, or the latest media coverage, have made mention of the substantial scientific studies that support the possibility for increased risk of breast cancer, infertility, and emotional trauma among women who undergo one or more abortions.

I repeat, there are no conclusive scientific studies that positively demonstrate a scientific link between abortion and these other issues.

The Abortion-Breast Cancer (ABC) Link

Is a study that has been touted and reported by the Catholic Press. Reading it, one comes up with all kinds of questions regarding methodology and conclusions. It is unreliable in its science and conclusions and reflects the religious and political ideology of its supporters.
The Abortion-Breast Cancer Link by Angela Lanfranchi, MD, FACS

Dr. Lanfranchi is a member of a Pat Buchanan, ultra-conservative group known as The American Cause Organization. It's stated agenda includes the following:

We believe that life begins at conception and that the deaths of 1.4 million unborn children each year are a stain on our nation's soul. We will fight for the appointment of pro-life judges and justices, passage of a human life amendment by Congress, and eventual reversal of Roe v. Wade.

Certainly we can see an agenda here that does not necessarily support a scientific inquiry.

Once again we see a political agenda with this organization. It is an alternative physicans organization with a limited membership that includes the following political statement in its code of ethics:
(3) The physician should not condone the taking of human life in the practice of his profession, but at all times respect the sanctity of human life and seek to preserve or improve the quality of life.

It is so committed to this statement that it actually advocates that doctors withdraw from Medicaid and Medicare so that they are not compelled to perform abortions or other services that do not meet its set agenda.

Kindley is an ultra-conservative that brought his claims to court under a false advertising scheme and LOST.

After four days of testimony, Judge Michael McGuire ruled in favor of the clinic. According to The Forum: "Based on expert testimony from epidemiologists and endocrinologists, McGuire decided the Fargo clinic did not mislead its patients through material contained in its brochures." Judge McGuire ruled: "It does appear that the clinic had the intent to put out correct information and that their information is not untrue or misleading in any way. They did exercise reasonable care...One thing is clear from the experts, and that is that there are inconsistencies. The issue seems to be in a state of flux."

Kindley has an established relationship with at least three anti-abortion groups and had it long before he wrote the paper cited above and the court case he brought to bear. He also gets his press from the World Net Daily, an ultra-conservative web-based outlet that is anti-abortion. There is a significant pre-existing bias here.

These reports do not mention that numerous states including Mississippi, Texas, Kansas, Minnesota, and Montana have passed legislation mandating that abortion providers notify a woman of the increased risk for breast cancer, emotional trauma, and miscarriages that can result from induced abortion.

The reason this is irrelevant is simple... All of these states are run by ultra-conservatives with a political agenda that includes a clear position against abortion. The decision to pass a law of this type is a political process, not one based upon evidence developed in legitimate scientific study. The views offered in passing these laws were full of bias. I look at issues from both sides. I have yet to find any study--absent of a predetermined agenda or bias--that demonstrates a clear, scientifically valid link. Demonstrate that to me and I will bite.

Additionally, little attention has been given to a 1994 report by the National Cancer Institute citing that "Among women who had been pregnant at least once, the risk of breast cancer in those who had experienced an induced abortion was 50% higher than among other women" ("Risk of Breast Cancer Among Young Women: Relationship to Induced Abortion," Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Volume 86, #21). This report has since been removed from their website.

So, let us reveal what the NCI has to say TODAY:

The relationship between induced and spontaneous abortion and breast cancer risk has been the subject of extensive research beginning in the late 1950s. Until the mid-1990s, the evidence was inconsistent. Findings from some studies suggested there was no increase in risk of breast cancer among women who had had an abortion, while findings from other studies suggested there was an increased risk. Most of these studies, however, were flawed in a number of ways that can lead to unreliable results. Only a small number of women were included in many of these studies, and for most, the data were collected only after breast cancer had been diagnosed, and women’s histories of miscarriage and abortion were based on their “self-report” rather than on their medical records. Since then, better-designed studies have been conducted. These newer studies examined large numbers of women, collected data before breast cancer was found, and gathered medical history information from medical records rather than simply from self-reports, thereby generating more reliable findings. The newer studies consistently showed no association between induced and spontaneous abortions and breast cancer risk.


Important Information About Breast Cancer Risk Factors

At present, the factors known to increase a woman’s chance of developing breast cancer include age (a woman’s chances of getting breast cancer increase as she gets older), a family history of breast cancer, an early age at first menstrual period, a late age at menopause, a late age at the time of birth of her first full-term baby, and certain breast conditions. Obesity is also a risk factor for breast cancer in postmenopausal women. More information about breast cancer risk factors is found in NCI’s publication What You Need To Know About™ Breast Cancer.

I repeat my assertion that there is no sound evidence that links abortion to any of the ills that the ultra-conservatives have placed on their agendas.


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