Sunday, October 08, 2006

Canadians Finally File Official Protest Over Arar Case

Canada Makes Formal Protest of US Arar Treatment

It would seem that our northern neighbors are not too pleased with our fascist operations, including the one that placed one of their citizens in dire danger and completely deprived him of basic human rights... and involved rendition, extradition and torture.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper told US President George W. Bush in a telephone conversation Friday that Canada was filing an official protest regarding the US treatment of Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen detained by US authorities on a 2002 stopover at JFK airport in New York and sent to Syria, where he was imprisoned and tortured. The letter of protest was transmitted from Canadian Foreign Minister Peter MacKay to US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

The formal complaint follows the September 18 release of the Arar Commission Report, the Canadian judicial inquiry which found that although the US decision to deport Arar was "very likely" based on inaccurate, unfair and overstated information about him passed on by the RCMP, Canada's federal police force, US officials treated him badly and were not candid with the RCMP or with Canadian consular staff who were trying to get information about his situation.


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