Monday, February 27, 2006

Calamity George... Or How I Flushed The GOP Down The Drain

Analysis: Bush Beset by Political Miscues

WASHINGTON Feb 27, 2006 (AP)— President Bush has been buffeted by one calamity after another. Try what he may, he just can't seem to find traction for his second-term agenda. With midterm congressional elections approaching, it won't get any easier.

Traction? He's got the GOP going in reverse at high speeds. I know staunch conservatives that are backing away from him and the GOP leadership. Some are even thinking about voting Democratic as a slate.

The bad news has been coming in waves, from furors over Hurricane Katrina and warrantless wiretapping to the error-plagued rollout of the new Medicare prescription drug program, Vice President Dick Cheney's hunting accident, growing civil strife in Iraq, and now the Republican revolt over the administration's Dubai port decision.

Gee... aren't we forgetting a few scandals in congress? And what about Libby, Rove, Cheney and the Plame CIA leak? And the hits just keep on coming!

The controversies have rocked the White House and caused alarm among Republican strategists. Their party's electoral hopes in November may depend on whether Bush is able to right his troubled presidency.

In that case, why don't we just elimnate GOP candidates (including incumbents) from the ticket and only allow Independents, Green Party, Libertarians, Reform Party and Democrats on the ticket? Okay, we can even skip the Dems.

"I'm a big reformer. And it's time to reform congressional relations at the White House," said Scott Reed, a GOP consultant who managed Bob Dole's 1996 presidential campaign.

Can't be too much of a reformer if he signed on with Bob Dole... Didn't he just agree to be a lobbyist for the Dubai deal? Can you claim reformer credentials if your support went to someone that was completely entrenched in the system? Reformer of what? How to get paid for influence peddling?


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