Wednesday, August 30, 2006

More Post-Katrina Woes

FEMA is up for grabs. The Army Corps of Engineers still hasn't implemented changes and improvements, and is still finding flaws in the infrastructure, disaster response, and flood controls. DHS cannot seem to get its act together.

Army Corps Takes Steps To Fix Shortcomings Exposed By Katrina

It seems to me that if, as was the case in the Civil War, the Army Corps of Engineers was able to build numerous railroads and trestle bridges in record time (some as little as 45 days), that it shoudl have been able to correct issues arising out of Katrina and Rita... if it were given the authroity and resources to do so.

Report: FEMA Urban Rescue Teams Understaffed, Unprepared

It also seems that a full year later, while we are facing yet another cycle of hurricanes and severe storms, that FEMA should not only be prepared, but fully staffed and ready to go with a fully revamped and fully functionaly plan. How is it that Bush and his cohorts did not seem to mention this lack of preparation and staffing in any way while he was visiting the Gulf Coast on the anniversary of Katrina? Is it incompetence, denial or deliberate screwing over the public? Or is it, perhaps, all three?


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