Friday, October 27, 2006

AG Gonzalez: "Color Me Surprised!"

Gonzales 'Disappointed' By View That US Not Backing Rule of Law

Gee, one would think that the court decisions, criticism from the UN, criticism from NGO rights groups and reports from the EU regarding the lack of lawful action aganst detainees would have given Gonzalez at least a bit of a hint. Or perhaps even the failure of the US to sign on to international law court agreements that would hold nations accountable for breaches of international laws and crimes against humanity.

Somewhere he might have gotten a hint when the American Bar Association condemned the Bush administration's grab for unprecedented authority and breach of basic human rights. He might have gotten a hint from the number of law suits from EFF, ACLU, EPIC, HRW and other rights organizations within the US. He might have gained some insight when the JAG Corps questioned the legitimacy of the treatment of detainees at Gitmo. But he might have even caught a whiff of the stink if he listened to members of his Spanish audience.

US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told reporters in Spain Tuesday that the perception that the US does not support the rule of law is "disappointing." Gonzales acknowledged that the international reputation of the US has been injured by several ongoing news stories, including the Abu Ghraib abuse scandal, allegations of US rendition flights, and secret prisons in Europe. Gonzales further said the solution may be to better explain the war on terror to Europe and the rest of the free world.

Gonzales also stressed that the Military Commissions Act of 2006, signed into law earlier this month, will ensure fair trials for terror suspects. In a separate speech Monday, Gonzales explained that the MCA approves military tribunals that incorporate those "procedural protections that we regard as fundamental," including "the presumption of innocence unless proven guilty by competent evidence beyond a reasonable doubt," a trial before an impartial military judge, and representation by a JAG Corps officer.


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