Saturday, November 06, 2004

7 Steps To Problem Solving (How To Live A Better Life)

I tell my students that these seven steps will improve their lives. If they would only take the time to examine their problems and issues carefully, they would make better decisions. Better decisions almost always lead to better lives. Wish I could get the point across to my bosses!

7 Steps To Problem-Solving

1. DEFINE THE PROBLEM: Define the problem in detail. Look at the problem from multiple, if not all points of view and perspectives. Try looking at the problem through the eyes of another person. Note how the problem is related to other people, other problems and the circumstances surrounding the issues.

2. LIST ALL THE ALTERNATIVES: Look at and list all the possible alternatives, including the ridiculous and extreme possibilities. Conduct a full "brain storm" around the problem. Don't dismiss any possibility or alternative "out of hand." After listing all the alternatives, then dismiss the unworkable, silly, extreme or otherwise unacceptable solutions.
3. SEEK OUT RESOURCES: Seek out and utilize all the possible resources that are available. Seek advice and counsel from trustworthy and experienced persons. Conduct some research on the topics involved in the problems and issues. Ask questions. Ask if anyone else has dealt with a similar problem. Look for help in unexpected places.

4. CONSIDER CONSEQUENCES: All decisions and actions have consequences. Some consequences are detrimental, some are advantageous and some are neutral. Look at the "big picture" and well as the "close-up" view of the consequences. Consider the "ripple effect" that consequences usually have on others.

5. DECIDE: After having defined the problem, listed alternatives, sought out resources and considering consequences, make a decision. Take action. Choose. Act upon your decision with conviction and confidence.

6. EVALUATE: Take a look at the decision after the fact. Evaluate if it resulted in the desired effect. Measure the results against what was expected, what was desired, and something objective. Look for feedback from others.

7. REMEDIATE: Correct actions that have gone bad. Use the evaluation step to determine if other problems were created by the decision and use the 7 steps to examine these "new" issues and problems. Take responsibility for your actions and correct any errors. Learn from any mistakes made in the process. Don't make excuses, but do take effective corrective actions.


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